Candle Information:
Pure beeswax comes in a range of yellows depending on which flowers the bees have visited and how much the wax has been filtered and cleaned. The color of the candles will vary from batch to batch.
If your beeswax candle begins to look "powdery" this is called blooming. Beeswax is made from several compounds including fatty acids. As a candle ages or is exposed to cooler temperatures some of the fatty compounds will come to the surface, just like on chocolate. The bloom is not mildew and will not affect the candle or its burning in any way. The bloom gives the candle a rustic, antique look and lets you know that your candle is made from pure beeswax. If you don't like the bloom, you can wipe it off with a soft, clean towel, but the bloom may return in a couple of days.
Approximate Burn Times:
Votive: 15 hours
3" x 4" Pillar: 60 hours
3" x 6" Pillar: 90 hours
General Candle Burning Tips:
Remove all packaging before lighting candle.
Trim candle wick to 1/4 inch before each burn.
Always burn your candle in an appropriate holder on a heat resistant surface.
Never leave a candle burning unattended.
Keep burning candle away from children, pets and flammable objects.
Do not burn any candle while sleeping.
A candle burned away from drafts will burn longer and more evenly.
To prevent hot wax from splattering, blow candle out gently or use a candle snuffer.
Relighting pure beeswax candles may take some patience as the wax is very dense.
Glass holders may become very hot. Do not touch or move until the glass has cooled completely.
Don't burn any candle all the way to its bottom.
Never pour wax down a sink drain. If you have trimmed your wick too low and it is drowning in wax and won't stay lit, you will need to pour some wax out to allow the wick access to enough oxygen.
Pillar Candle Burning Tips:
Always burn a pillar candle on a heat and flame resistant holder.
The first burn for a pillar candle is VERY important to prevent tunneling. Burn the candle at least 1 hour for every inch in diameter. The first burn of a 3" wide candle must be about 3 hours. The first burn should burn the candle out to about 1/8th inch of the edge. Watch the candle as the wick may start to bend over and one side may burn more causing a crack or hole in the wall which may lead to dripping down that side. If the wick starts to bend, just blow out the wick, trim to 1/4 inch, bend upright and relight right away. Please don't burn your fingers. After the first burn, the candle should be allowed to burn long enough to achieve the same size melt pool as the first burn. These subsequent burns will achieve the melt pool in much less time. If the candle is only burned for a short time, it will begin to tunnel. These beeswax pillars have such long burn times if cared for properly.
Candle hugging is folding the edges of the candle into the melt pool if you want a more even look to your candle. Please don't burn your fingers.
If you don't like the smoke of a wick when you blow it out, you can dip the wick in the melt pool to extinguish it and straighten it back up again. Please don't burn your fingers. Relighting a dipped wick may take some patience to reexpose the wick.
Beeswax pillars may not burn well in glass lanterns or hurricane lamps as the glass holds in the heat and reduces the amount of oxygen to the flame. The wax may begin to liquefy like a votive and spill. If you want to use your lantern or lamp, put a votive in a votive holder and use some coffee beans, small pebbles or sand to elevate and help stabilize it.
Votive Candle Burning Tips:
Burn votives in a votive holder only as they will liquefy.
Be careful not to trim the wick too low.
Votive holders may become very hot while the candle is burning.
Do not touch the glass or move the candle until the glass has cooled completely.